Nature Based Eco-tourism:
Collaboration with government and non government organizations and private sectors, we work sustainable eco-tourism development program based on three pillars i.e. social justice, economic development, and environmental integrity throughout the planning, designing, developing and promoting nature based eco-tourism related opportunities to understand the significance of tourism in uplifting rural people’s lives and ensure nature based eco-tourism value remains indispensable to the role of nature,biodiversity and environment conservation.
Community Engagement
NCF-Nepal believes that environment conservation can be achieved only when local communities are effectively engaged in environment conservation initiatives and communities need to be both local stewards and beneficiaries of environment conservation. It is a holistic approach to development that includes maintenance of socio-cultural practices, community development, promotion of indigenous knowledge, development of ownership feeling and responsibility at the community level. To achieve this, with the collaboration of government and non government organizations and private sectors, NCF-Nepal works on strengthening environment conservation capacities at various levels. It’s efforts toward improving governance of natural resource management, livelihood enhancement, promoting meaningful participation, alternative energy promotion, climate change adaptation and equitable benefit sharing for poor and marginalized groups etc.
Climate Change Adaptation:
Climate change is one of the growing global concerns that has its impact on different physical, socio-economic and biological dimension of society. As a reflection of societal interests in climate change, NCF-Nepal has grown up to study, develop, regulate and conserve the systems on which much of human-being depends with less climate change impacts. NCF-Nepal deploys its team of experts to strengthen the capacity to adapt changing climate, formulate participatory resilience and strategic local adaptation plans incorporating traditional and indigenous knowledge. It expands and shares knowledge through research and advocacy to achieve long- term policy solutions to mitigate climate change.
Policy formulation Discussion:
NCF-Nepal concern on environmental policy formulation dicsussion which is a commitment of an organization or government to the laws, regulations, and other policy mechanisms concerning environmental issues. Environmental policy is primarily concerned with how to govern the relationship between humans and the natural environment in a mutually beneficial manner. In practice, environmental policy issues are interconnected, environmental policy makers fumble around for solutions in the context of great uncertainty and many internal and external constraints. Often what was done in the past has a determining effect on how new issues are processed. On this condition, collaboration with an organization or government, NCF-Nepal select the best course of action based on specialist advice with discussion, make the environmental policy, then hand it on to concern stakeholders to be implemented. NCF-Nepal believes that environmental policy will only be genuinely successful when it is sensitively integrated with other sectors and policy areas.
Environment Products and Services:
Environmental products and services are increasingly becoming important after the acceptance of sustainable development as the development goal. Environmental products and services are somewhat diverse in their nature and are still emerging with the development of the sector. This is generally attributed to the rising human population, urbanization, and the economic activities, all of which have implications to the sustainability of resources. These developments exert pressure on natural resources, and damage environment and ecology, upon both of which future of human sustenance rests. The depletion of resources, pollution, and climate change, particularly in the urban and industrial areas, where such incidence tends to be high. NCF-Nepal studies, works and provides a services on Long-term economic growth in combination with a reduced pressure on the environment asks for changes in our production and consumption systems.
Science and Research
Science and Research is one of the key thematic area of NCF-Nepal. It strive providing services in the fields of science and research, studies, analysis, knowledge management, monitoring, evaluation and learning, capacity building, project development, organizational development, and technical assistance in various thematic areas. Mostly, collaboration with the national and international development organizations, government agencies, federations, community groups and private sectors, It explore and provides scientific research and services on natural resource management, environment protection, bio-diversity, eco-tourisn, climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction, livelihoods, agriculture, good governance, and sustainable development.
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